Tuesday, November 03, 2020

State of the Polling - Final plus One

I decided to do one more of these because there were additional updates. It's the Election Projection site that is the most discouraging. Same deal, shifts to Trump are marked in bold.


Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 345 - 193

Biden - 368 - 170

Biden - 319 - 219

Biden - 319 - 219


Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Election Projection

Biden - 307 - 231

Biden - 307 - 231

Biden - 308 - 230

Biden - 278 - 260

Popular Vote - Biden 49.1% - 45.9%

Popular Vote - Biden 49.1% - 45.9%

Popular Vote - Biden 48.2% - 46.2%

Popular Vote - Biden 49.4% - 45.6%


Biden - 356 - 164 with one Tie (Ohio)

Biden - 350 - 170 with one Tie (Ohio)

Biden - 368 - 170

Biden - 350 - 170 with one Tie (Ohio)

The Economist

Biden - 97%, Trump - 3%

Biden - 96%, Trump - 4%

Biden - 96%, Trump - 4%

Biden - 97%, Trump - 3%

Biden - 352 - 186

Biden - 350 - 188

Biden - 350 - 188

Biden - 356 - 182

Financial Times

Biden - 273 - 125 with 140 Tossups

Biden - 272 - 125 with 141 Tossups

Biden - 252 - 125 with 161 Tossups

Biden - 252 - 125 with 161 Tossups

Popular Vote - Biden 51.9% - 43.1%

Popular Vote - Biden 51.8% - 43.1%

Popular Vote - Biden 51.5% - 43.3%

Popular Vote - Biden 51.5% - 43.4%


Biden - 66 cents, Trump - 40 cents

Biden - 65 cents, Trump - 40 cents

Biden - 64 cents, Trump - 41 cents

Biden - 66 cents, Trump - 41 cents

I have an even worse feeling about this. I understand that Election Projection is run by someone who is heavily biased in the conservative/Trump direction but I find his analysis running pretty close to my own. I think Trump is going to pull off another last minute win and again confound the polls and the pundits.

Here's hoping I'm wrong.

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