Monday, November 23, 2020

OK, We're in Trouble III

The Michigan state Board of Canvassers has voted 3-0, with one Republican abstaining, to certify the Michigan election results. I'm sure we haven't heard the last from the Trump campaign in Michigan but the hill just got a whole lot steeper.

In Pennsylvania the counties are certifying results. One county says it won't be finished until Wednesday and apparently Republicans in counties that Trump won are now voting not to certify in the hopes it will prevent statewide certification. There isn't a pit in the inferno hot enough for these people.

The law suit filed claiming Act 77 is unconstitutional was apparently filed LONG after the deadline for challenging the act.

The recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin are either underway or will be underway shortly.

In Nevada a losing Republican candidate who wants the entire Clark County election thrown out halted the hearing when his lawyer insisted that the judge should recuse herself because she's a Democrat.

Clearly the strategy is to delay, delay and delay in the hopes that either they actually find some evidence or a really dumb judge.

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