Tuesday, August 13, 2024

10 Hurtful Things White People do to Their Black Colleagues Without Realizing it!?

This is a reaction to a gallery entitled "10 hurtful things white people do to their black colleagues without realizing it" (sic). Hey, I'm not the one that left out the capitals. As a general observation most of these things are actions of omission. I'm not sure how anyone could categorize an action of omission as "hurtful." At worst it's typically neutral.

1) Lack of Frank Feedback If I ever gave some black people constructive criticism I would immediately be labeled a racist. So why bother? 

 2) Failing to Advocate
It's not my job to "advocate" for someone else. Stand up for yourself. 

3) Exclusion from Social Events 
In my work experience external work events are open to all unless it's a private affair. In that case it's up to the individual to decide who they want to invite. 

4) Lack of Engagement on Issues Affecting the Black Community
The issues of the black community are not my problem. I have enough of my own problems to worry about. 

5) Disinterest in Learning About Black Culture
I've read "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo." Does that count? Or are you talking about only American black culture? What you probably mean by "black culture" I find questionable if not downright warped.

6) Not Showing Up (when invited to an event by black people)
Who people decide to spend their leisure time with is up to them. I'm not sure why anyone would think there is some sort of obligation to accept invitations. 

7) Gossip and Stereotyping
I'm an engineer. We don't really gossip unless it's about mathematical errors or dumb ideas. I suppose if this was something that occurred in a work environment I could see how it would be annoying.

8) Ignoring Microaggressions 
The whole micro transgression concept is a lot of nonsense and does an incredible amount of harm. If you really have a problem with what you call a "micro aggression" call people on it when they do it because they probably don't realize that it's a problem. I wouldn't expect anyone else to do it for you.

9) Tokenism
So we should shut down DEI and Affirmative Action initiatives? I'm all for that. 

10) Inconsistent Support for Racial Justice (including supporting "black businesses" and fighting "systemic racism")
Like I said in #4, I have my own problems to worry about. You need to stand up for yourself. What I won't do is stand in your way. I will only support "black owned businesses" if they are best provider of the products or services that I need. I'm not convinced that "systemic racism" is actually a thing. It strikes me as a convenient scapegoat when looking into the real reasons for something is too expensive or likely to yield an answer that people don't like. If you're pushing for "equity" rather than "equality," then you will find me in the opposition because "equity" is not a rational goal. 

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