Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Corona Virus April 19, 2020

There are currently 762,599 reported case in the US and 40,475 deaths.

New York has 247,698 cases and 18,133 deaths
New Jersey has 85,301 cases and 4,362 deaths 
Massachusetts has 38.077 cases and 1,706 deaths
Pennsylvania has 32,809 and 1,275 deaths
Michigan has 31,053 cases and 2,308 deaths

Another bad week with some 18,400 deaths. Yet people are starting to make noises like the worst is behind us. Cuomo in New York has especially been singing that tune.

I see nothing in New Jersey that's leads me to believe that things are letting up.

In the meantime there have been protests against the "stay at home" orders. Most of these have been by right wing groups in states with Democratic governors.

Republican governors seem ready to "return to normal." In Florida some beaches have been reopened and in Texas Governor Abbott has announced May 1 for reopening the Texas economy.

I wish these folks luck. They may get away with it because the virus doesn't appear to be as widespread in these states as in the northeast.

I suppose we shall see what we shall see.

In the meantime I now have a tooth which hurts when I bite down. Just what I need.

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