Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Corona Virus March 19, 2020

The numbers are really spiking as widespread testing takes hold. This thing may just be completely out of control despite all of the suppression being attempted.

There are currently 13,408 reported cases in the US and 181 reported deaths. That's an increase of 4,438 cases and 36 deaths.

New York has 5,366 cases and 22 deaths.
Washington has 1,225 cases and 69 deaths.
California has 952 cases and 18 deaths.

Here in New Jersey we have 742 cases and 9 deaths.

The New Jersey numbers are increasing faster than anywhere but New York and at the current rate may pass California and Washington. 

There isn't much else to say. I've been in my house essentially six days straight. OK, I cheated on Sunday and got a dozen bagels but that's been it.

We're ordering food online for delivery from local supermarkets. The first delivery is supposed to arrive Monday from ShopRite. I say "supposed to arrive" because I really don't know what to expect. If a delivery arrives I don't know if it will be complete.

Our next delivery is supposed to be next Sunday from Stop & Shop. The same caveats and concerns apply.

If it turns out the delivery services on unreliable then we're going to have to venture out to the supermarket or spend lots of shekels getting restaurant delivery. It's not clear to me which is the better option.

In the meantime there are pictures of packed Florida beaches. The governor there has refused to close them and spring break types don't seem to be concerned about flocking to them despite dire warnings.

We're about to pay a steep price because of (1) the lack of testing fuck-up in Washington and (2) far too many people just not taking this seriously enough.

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