It all begins with a leader. We need a true leader to get us out of this corona virus mess. Someone who can effectively rally the troops and get them to do what needs to be done. I don’t see anyone at the national or state level that has the kind of leadership ability that we need right now.
Alexander made the point
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
What I see all around is a lot of hesitation, obfuscation and just plain inability to make the hard decisions and we all know that will get people killed.
New York and New Jersey are perfect examples.
Bergen County is the hardest hit county in New Jersey. The Bergen County Commissioner “stepped up” and ordered all non-essential business, including the malls, closed. Less than eight hours later he backed down after an uproar that his “direction was confusing.” Less than 24 hours after that Governor issued the exact same directive for the entire state but almost two days were lost.
DeBlasio in New York City dug in his heels and refused to close the schools despite the fact it meant teachers had to travel in from Westchester (which was the biggest epicenter at the time), Long Island, New Jersey and Connecticut. So of course those teachers had the opportunity to bring the virus home with them.
When he finally got around to closing the schools, or, more accurately, was forced to do so based upon an agreement between the governors of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, he swung the other way and declared people should prepare for a “shelter in place” order within 48 hours only to be overruled by Governor Cuomo.
Add the clown in the White House into this mix and it would be hysterical if it was fiction but sort of infuriating because it’s reality.
It's the Keystone Cops trying to lead us through the most difficult situation in recent memory.
And, no, I'm not looking for a totalitarian Hitler like figure. I would take a Dwight D, Eisenhower, a John Kennedy or a Robert Kennedy but I ain't got squat.
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