Saturday, October 01, 2022

Yes, I Know There's an Election Coming Up

 I know there's an election coming but I've been trying to ignore it. 

I have been tracking it on three sites: 

Real Clear Politics has projections for both House and Senate, Electoral Vote has projections for the Senate and Five Thirty Eight has probabilities of winning the House and Senate. So let's start.

Real Clear Politics projects:

Senate: Republicans 52, Democrats 48 including:

Pennsylvania Republican, Ohio Republican, Wisconsin Republican, Georgia Republican, Nevada Republican

House: Republicans 218, Democrats 184, Toss ups 33

Electoral Vote Projects

Senate: Republicans 49, Democrats 51 including:

Pennsylvania Democrat, Ohio Democrat, Wisconsin Republican, Georgia Democrat, Nevada Republican

Five Thirty Eight Probability of Winning

Senate: Republicans 32%, Democrats 68% including:

Pennsylvania Democrat Ohio Republican, Wisconsin Republican, Georgia Toss up, Nevada Toss up

House: Republicans 68%, Democrats 32%

In general I believe that polls favor Democrats for a number of reasons including Democrats tend to be oversampled, Democrats are less reliable to actually go and vote and some people just lie. We shall see how things wrk out this time.

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