Monday, November 02, 2020

The State of the Polling - Final

 To be honest a lot shifted in favor of Trump. This is exactly what we saw in 2016. I marked those shifts in bold.


Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 345 - 193

Biden - 368 - 170

Biden - 319 - 219


Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Election Projection

Biden - 307 - 231

Biden - 307 - 231

Biden - 308 - 230

Popular Vote - Biden 49.1% - 45.9%

Popular Vote - Biden 49.1% - 45.9%

Popular Vote - Biden 48.2% - 46.2%


Biden - 356 - 164 with one Tie (Ohio)

Biden - 350 - 170 with one Tie (Ohio)

Biden - 368 - 170

The Economist

Biden - 97%, Trump - 3%

Biden - 96%, Trump - 4%

Biden - 96%, Trump - 4%

Biden - 352 - 186

Biden - 350 - 188

Biden - 350 - 188

Financial Times

Biden - 273 - 125 with 140 Tossups

Biden - 272 - 125 with 141 Tossups

Biden - 252 - 125 with 161 Tossups

Popular Vote - Biden 51.9% - 43.1%

Popular Vote - Biden 51.8% - 43.1%

Popular Vote - Biden 51.5% - 43.3%


Biden - 66 cents, Trump - 40 cents

Biden - 65 cents, Trump - 40 cents

Biden - 64 cents, Trump - 41 cents

So, on the last day before the plunge the trends are all going the wrong way. The one that bothers me the most is RealClearPolitics.

It's been my experience that they're pretty accurate. Is was that site that led me to believe that Trump would win in 2016. It's not as bad this time around but it's not good either.

I have a bad feeling about this.

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