Monday, November 02, 2020

Presidential Job Creation

 GOBankingRates published a gallery listing jobs created for each presient from Calvin Coolidge to Donald Trump. One has to take this with a bit of salt considering we're talking about very different conditions, and lengths of time in office, for each president. But it's interesting anyway.

Calvin Coolidge - +5,051,000

Herbert Hoover - -8,510,000

Franklyn D. Roosevelt - +12,776,000

Harry S. Truman - +8,698,000

Dwight D. Eisenhower - +3,539,000

John F. Kennedy - +3,572,000

Lyndon B. Johnson - +12,184,000

Richard M. Nixon - +9,180,000

Gerald R. Ford - +2,071,000

Jimmy Carter - +10,343,000

Ronald Reagan - +16,128,000

George H.W. Bush - +2,633,000

Bill Clinton - +22,904,000

George W. Bush - +1,357,000

Barack Obama - +11,572,000

Donald Trump - -3,907,000

So despite what you hear, Trump, mostly thanks to his mishandling of the pandemic, is one of only two of the last 16 presidents to have a job shrinkage. The other one was Hoover who got walloped by the Great Depression.

The two that surprised me were Eisenhower and Carter. I thought Eisenhower would be much higher as he was president during the boom times of the 1950s, and Carter whose presidency was pretty much a total disaster with the gas shortages and inflation.

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