Sunday, July 02, 2023

ABC/Ipsos Poll on Court Decisions

ABC/Ipsos did a poll on the three recent Supreme Court decisions and the American people sort of agree with the court.

On the web designer refusing to do an LGBTQ+ wedding sites it was almost an even split with 43% approving the decision and 42% opposing it. An interesting thing that came out on this case was that there may not have been a real case. Apparently no one asked the web designed to do a gay web page but she just applied for an exemption anyway.

Only 15% of Democrats approved of the decision compared to 68% of Republicans and 49% of Independents.

On striking down Biden's loan forgiveness program 45% were in favor and 40% were opposed. Unsurprisingly older Americans were more likely to be in favor of the decision with 61% of those over 65 approving but only 31% of those under 30.

71% of Republicans and 49% of Independents supported the decision but only 17% of Democrats.

The most support was for the designing ending Affirmative Action based upon race with 52% approving and only 32% disapproving. Whites and Asians approved the decision by 60% and 58% respectively. Latinos and Hispanics split 40%-40% and only blacks disapproved 52%-25%.

A majority of Republicans (75%) and Independents (58%) approved but only 26% of Democrats approved.

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