Friday, October 30, 2020

The State of the Polling

I have a number of "prediction" site addresses tucked away. I'm going to record their numbers over the next couple of days to see who says what and if I can detect any late trend. In places where there are two it's a current and a projection. Sometimes it's a win probability, sometimes popular vote is projected as well.


Biden - 216 - 125 with 197 Tossups

Biden - 345 - 193


Biden - 89%, Trump - 10%, Tie - 1%

Election Projection

Biden - 307 - 231

Popular Vote - Biden 49.1% - 45.9%


Biden - 356 - 164 with one Tie (Ohio)

The Economist

Biden - 97%, Trump - 3%

Biden - 352 - 186

Financial Times

Biden - 273 - 125 with 140 Tossups

Popular Vote - Biden 51.9% - 43.1%


Biden - 66 cents, Trump - 40 cents

Clearly there is a significant range of opinions here yet all seem to claim they're using the same inputs. I suppose that we shall see what we shall see.

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