Friday, June 19, 2020

Systemic Racism

My people were in Italy and Austria-Hungary when slavery was a thing here so I take no responsibility for what plantation owners did in the American South.

I'm not a police office. I've never shot a black man. Clearly police shouldn't be shooting unarmed suspects. The death of George Floyd was flat out murder; the death of Rayshard Brooks was unjustified but those are TWO incidents out of over 10 million arrests made in the US every year.

Police are suspicious of young black males because young black males commit crimes all out of proportion to the size of their population.

I don't know what people mean by "systemic racism."

What people call evidence seems to consist of pointing to an effect and then leaping to "systemic racism" as the cause.

I'm an engineer. I know that you can't trace back from an effect to a cause without some evidence other than the effect itself.

Are there racist people and racist incidents? Absolutely, but there are also people who think we never landed on the moon and that evolution isn't a thing. That doesn't mean the country suffers from "systemic stupidity." Then again, Trump is president so maybe I'm wrong about that.

NAACP President Derrick Johnson defined "systemic racism" as "systems and structures that have procedures or processes that disadvantages African Americans."

But he provided no evidence that such things exist. He simply asserted that they do. Feel free to show me evidence of "systemic racism" (not racism, I know that exists) that is something other than an effect.

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