On the home front Pullo tells Niobe’s sister Lyde he heard Evander had run afoul of the wrong kind of people due to gambling debts and she should get on with her life.
The big surprise is Antony suddenly displaying a touch of integrity or was it that he figured the odds? Atia, on the other hand, can’t seem to decide which plot to hatch. She sends Octavia to try and patch things up with Servilia. And what happened to Pullo’s slave girl? Was that it? Is she out of the story without so much as a word of dialogue? Very strange.
So Antony is looking for Caeser, Vorenus and Pullo are shipwrecked, where remains to be seen, and Octavian is heading away from home in the company of that horse trader Timon, that means even more fracturing of the story line!
We have Pompey & company, we have Caeser, we have Atia, we have Servilia and now we’ll have Antony trying to hook up with Caeser, Niobe at home, Pullo and Vorenus trying to rejoin the 13th and Octavian on the road. That’s about 5 minutes per subplot right? Should be fun.
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