Monday, January 30, 2012

Frog and Pig Fight Back

Last December Eric Bolling of Fox “News” (I put “News” in quotes because we all know that, whatever Fox does, it isn’t news) criticized “The Muppets” as an example of how the “liberal media” tries to “brainwash our kids” against big business and, in particular, big oil.

At a London news conference promoting the film Kermit and Miss Piggy took Fox to task. Kermit asked pointedly if they were so much against big oil, then why did they spend the movie riding around in a Rolls Royce which isn’t exactly known for its fuel economy.

Miss Piggy was even more blunt and said the brainwashing charges were “…almost as laughable as accusing Fox News of being ... news."

Even the pig understands.

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