Monday, July 15, 2024

Documents Case Dismissed

Judge Eileen Cannon has dismissed the documents case against Donald Trump.

The rationale is that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith wasn't properly appointed because he wasn't approved by Congress and his budget wasn't specifically authorized by Congress.

This is an argument that has been made and rejected many times in the past. It's nonsense. The DOJ has a budget authorized by Congress and has always been able to use that budget for special prosecutors.

Think how difficult it would be to appoint a special prosecutor if every time they had to be approved by Congress and have a specific budget allocated by Congress?

I wonder how many people in prison thanks to special prosecutors can now challenge their convictions?

Trump's wins over the last couple of weeks almost make me believe there's a devil and Trump has made a deal with him. This is a federal case. If Trump wins the election, which looks almost certain, he can pardon himself. Our "justice" system really is a joke.

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