Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Reparations for Slavery

I am utterly opposed to reparations for slavery. In San Francisco a group is recommending paying $5 million to each black citizen. This is absurd.

I have never voted Republican and that's saying a lot since I cast my first vote in 1969. However, I see so many fundamental things wrong with the reparations movement being pushed by Democrats that I don't see how I can stay with the party. I may have cast my last ballot.

-- It punishes people who didn't do anything wrong. People living today are not liable for slavery. This violates a fundamental tenet of justice. You do not punish one person for the sins of another.

-- It rewards people that were never slaves. This violates another fundamental tenet of justice. You do not reward one person for the suffering of another.

-- The amounts being considered in places such as San Francisco are ludicrous.

-- Reparations at the national level would result in a massive flow of wealth from Blue States, who mostly weren't slave states, to Red States, many of whom were slave states, because that's where most Black people live.

-- If one thing based upon race is OK then anything based upon race is OK. This is opening the Pandora's box that the 14th Amendment was meant to close. This is a greater danger to democracy than all the Trumps and DeSantis's ever spawned.

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