There are two parts to any issue. The first part asks is it a good idea or a bad idea? Obviously having everyone with access to good health care is not only a good idea but absolutely imperative.
The second part asks since it’s a good idea, how do we make it happen? I think we have a ways to go on this one.
I read through Representative Jayapal's bill and the first thing that bothers me is why does it have to be a whole new bill rather than an amendment to the current Medicare legislation?
A second thing that bothers me is section 202.
SEC. 202. NO COST-SHARING. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ensure that no cost-sharing, including deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, or similar charges, is imposed on an individual for any benefits provided under this Act.
These things exist under current Medicare.
The deductible under Medicare Part A (hospitalization) is $1,364 and for Medicare Part B (doctor visits) it’s $185. There is a monthly premium based for Part B upon income that starts at $135.50 per month. There is also a co-pay for Part A when the hospital stay exceeds 60 days. Part B has a copay which is usually $10 but is $0 for preventative care visits such as annual physicals.
Then let’s not forget that Part D premiums are typically paid to a private insurer with Medicare charging a premium for high income retirees. A lot of people also have Medicare advantage plans which take up the slack. My wife gets that for free as part of her retirement package.
There are also may be premiums for Part A depending upon how long you paid payroll taxes into Medicare. Then of course everyone and their employer pay 1.45% of gross salary into Medicare.
In other words, current Medicare is not free. Government health care plans in places like Canada and France are not free. They’re paid for through VAT or sales taxes.
So, how do Jayapal and company intend to pay for this if they eliminate deductibles, copays and premiums? The bill doesn’t specifically say “premiums” but the consensus seems to be that she means no premiums.
The bill calls for coverage of ANYONE who is a resident of the US for free. Yes, Virginia, that might include illegal immigrants depending upon how "resident" is defined. She identifies no way to pay for this legislation.
Clearly, I'm not going to support something without having the full story. Every single proposal that the Democrats are putting on the table looks like it's going to cost me money and not provide me any benefit.
That doesn't mean I won't vote for them but they're making it really hard.
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