Wednesday, February 08, 2017


Every day Trump gives more evidence that he is precisely what we were afraid he was, self centered, immature, delusional and a lousy judge of character.

He is the ultimate example of the Dunning-Kruger effect and appears to be working overtime to make himself look ridiculous.

I'd like to offer him some free advice.

(1) Stop being distracted by trivial nonsense. What difference does it make who's inauguration crowd was bigger?

(2) Get a grip on reality. There was no voter fraud. You really did lose the popular vote and no, the media is not refusing to report terrorist incidents. If anything they beat them to death like a bunch of ghouls.

(3) Get rid of the obvious incompetents giving you bad advice and making you look dumb. That includes Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Kellyanne Conway and that utter clown Sean Spicer.

(4) Stop listening to the Religious Right. Collect the actual facts before making a decision.

(5) Get rid of your Twitter account.

If you listen to me then maybe, just maybe, we might avoid a national catastrophe.

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