Thursday, September 04, 2008

It's Starting to get Scary

There are always nonsense e-mails making the rounds accusing politicians of the opposite persuasion of everything from killing cock robin to planning to sell national parks.

Typically they're a mix of true statements associated with positions the writer doesn't agree with and nonsense twisted or made up to frighten the ignorant (of which this country appears to have more than its share). There is one on today ( purportedly written by someone in the Billy Graham association (it wasn't though) describing the terrible things Barack Obama either believes in or has done.

The one thing that struck me was the item that "accused" him of being "a big believer in the separation of church and state."

Ten years ago openly attacking the separation of church and state would have been almost unthinkable. Now I'm seeing it more and more. In other news, apparently last year Sarah Palin made a speech calling the war in Iraq "a mission for God."

The most dangerous people in the world are those who are convinced that God is on their side.

Excuse me while I go get my AKM out of storage and check my supply of 7.62 mm ammo.

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