Monday, June 05, 2006

The Gay Marriage Amendment

It’s June, right about time for the Republicans to start squawking about garbage “moral values” issues in order to stir up the religious fruitcakes of the Christian Right.

Bush the Unhinged, may fleas nest in his private parts, is again pushing a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Why he’s not embarrassed about supporting the codification of bigotry and intolerance into the constitution is beyond me. I won’t even mention the hypocrisy of spinning 180 degrees from the usual conservative chant about the federal government dictating on questions that should be left to the states.

The amendment has about zero chance of even getting through congress never mind being ratified by the states so this is simply an attempt to gets folks out for the primaries tomorrow and, more importantly, we’re seeing the opening salvos for November.

There’s nothing like homosexuality to get the Christian Right all stirred up and marching to the polls to vote Republican. One wonders if these people ever really think about what they do. I’m still waiting for someone to give me a rational reason why gay marriage is a bad idea.

To even consider putting an amendment into the constitution which says its ok to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation is absolutely disgraceful. This is just more evidence that religion is incompatible with western democratic principles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.