Elsewhere, Antony didn’t look too thrilled, but he didn’t take any action either. Probably a good move on his part although I suspect he could have taken all of them out right then and there. Servilia gets a tremendous amount of pleasure explaining to Atia that Caesar’s gone to meet the gods and how she’s going to make Atia suffer. Threatening people is always a bad idea. If you’re going to nail them, then freaking nail them, don’t give them warning. Never telegraph your blows. In this particular instance Servilia has managed to make an enemy of Octavian which, although there’s no way she could know it, was a really bad idea.
Then there’s Pullo and Eirene. Eirene goes from holding a dagger to the throat of Pullo, to spitting in his porridge to, in the final scene, walking down a country lane with him hand in hand.
So when the hell do we get the second season? I can’t wait until next September! This is cruel and unusual punishment! What’s going to happen? Certainly we get the next round of civil war and, I would suspect, at least the start of the love affair between Antony and Cleopatra.
Historically, with the death of Caesar, the story should center on Octavian and his sister Octavia. Octavia ends up married to Antony by Senatorial decree and then discarded by Antony for Cleopatra.
I can just imagine how well received a marriage between Octavia and Antony would be received by Atia so that should be fun. So should watching the building conflict between Antony and Octavian. If they just follow the historical line, there’s enough drama to make everyone happy.
So far they've stayed only with the sketchiest outline of historical events. For instance Octavia's first husband was of Consular rank and they had three children. In the show, her first husband appears to have been of lower rank, and they had no children. Nor did they bother to have Caesar adopt Octavian and they skipped the Veni, Vidi, Vici Battle of Zela against King Pharnaces so it's hard to say how close they'll follow what actually occured.
As far as time frames are concerned, the assassination occurs in 44 BCE, and the battle of Phillippi in 42 BCE. Antony hooks up with Cleopatra around 38 BCE and the battle of Actium occurs in 31 BCE so there's plenty of time here. The first season ran from just before the crossing of the Rubicon (Iacta alea est!) in 48 BCE to the ides of march in 44 BCE. So if the second season runs about 4-6 years as well it could end with the beginning of the Antony and Cleopatra affair.
Oh yeah, we could have the Senatorial decree forcing the marriage of Antony and Octavia, Antony's funeral oration (Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!), Antony settling Cicero's hash, and another reversal of fortune between Atia and Servilia. The very thing soap operas are made of.
So far no sign of Lepidus or Agrippa. Lepidus isn't terribly necessary but Agrippa is. I wonder if the show would dare replace Agrippa with Vorenus? What's a little additional rewriting of history?
Oh, I can’t wait. I’m so excited. When are the DVDs going to be available? I’m a certified Rome junky. Yeah right. Oh well, it was fun, while it lasted.
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