Thursday, February 23, 2006

Convicted of Insulting Religious Beliefs?

Yup, that’s what, according to Reuters, happened to a man in Germany that was selling toilet paper with “Koran” written on it. Apparently the man also sent some of the tissue to German TV stations and mosques and called the Koran a “cookbook for terrorists.”

The man was given a one year suspended sentence and 300 hours of community service. It seems that “insulting religion” is a criminal offense in Germany punishable by up to three years in prison.

Geez, I wonder if that’s three years for each count and what’s the definition of an “insult?” Maybe I should plan on staying out of Germany for the foreseeable future?

I think I need to go buy my copy of the 1st Amendment something nice. Maybe I could get it some flowers or perhaps a box of chocolates?

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