Monday, November 28, 2005

Live Lingerie Models?

Ok I confess, I check the Court TV website. It’s not that I enjoy wallowing in the depraved side of human nature it’s just that, well, hmmm, maybe I do enjoy wallowing in the depraved side of human nature. See, you learn something about yourself every day.

Anyway, Court TV reports that a store in Augusta Maine is raising some eyebrows by using live lingerie models in its window. I could have accepted New York or Los Angeles maybe, but Augusta Maine? Reactions range from “it attracts more customers” to “it’s morally reprehensible.” Well, I think calling it “morally reprehensible” is a tad strong, but where does one draw the line? Complaints to the police have been ignored because, it turns out, that there's nothing illegal about it. The town fathers, and mothers, of Augusta never, in their wildest dreams, ever thought that this might someday be an issue.

Ok, look, I’m no prude, but somehow the image of scantily clad ladies strutting their stuff in the store window while the family is strolling by on their Holiday shopping doesn’t do it for me. The image just has a sour taste about it. The story doesn’t say, but do you suppose the store window is also decorated merrily in the spirit of the season?

I’m sorry, while it may not be “morally reprehensible,” it’s sure in bad taste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shop at your favorite stores 24 hours a day. Why go to the mall when you can shop online and avoid the traffic