Thursday, June 28, 2012

Obama is the Man if Aliens Invade

An overwhelming 65% of Americans polled said that President Obama would be better able to handle an alien invasion than Mitt Romney.

Ok, so it’s an intellectually ridiculous question, but one has to consider the underlying emotional psychology.

This means that Americans have more confidence in Obama in the event of an unknown crisis. In other words, when the phone rings at 3 AM in the White House, they want Obama to be answering the phone and not Romney. So why the hell would you vote for Romney?

This also means that, at an emotional level, Americans feel that they would rather trust Obama with their well being than Romney. So why the hell would you vote for Romney?

Finally, it means that when the chips are down, Americans feel they can rely more on Obama to take decisive action than Romney. So why the hell would you vote for Romney?

Think about it.

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