Saturday, March 19, 2011

Assault on Libya

U.S. and European Naval forces have begun attacking Libyan defensive positions along the Mediterranean coast. U.S. Destroyers and a British submarine have firing cruise missiles to take out the defense installations.

The military action is supposedly to enforce the U.N. no fly zone and to prevent Gadhafi from continuing to attack the Libyan rebels.

I have two questions about all this. First, how is this not interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation? I guess quaint things like that got buried sometime during the last century.

My second question is will the U.N. compensate us for the 112 cruise missiles fired? A Tomahawk costs about $1.2 million and we fired 112 of them. That's $134 million just for the goddamned missiles and that's not to mention the cost of deploying the destroyers.

You'd think we weren't $14 trillion is debt wouldn't you?

Why does everyone have to always start shooting? WTF?

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