Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ken Lay and Forgiveness

Ken Lay, who took Enron down the tubes while lying about the health of the company all the way, is dead. Ken Lay hurt a lot of people. He cost them their life savings or pensions and many of them would have liked to see him as the cell mate of Bubba for the next 20 years or so. They feel cheated that he kicked the bucket.

I don’t blame them and not only that, I agree with the New York Daily News which, in its inimitable blue collar earthy style, ran a banner headline saying that someone needs to make certain that he’s really in the box when it gets buried. After seeing an article that his assets have stopped being seized due to his death, one has to wonder.

I mean we‘re talking very rich, friend of Bush the Unhinged and Texas. Let’s remember that as recently as last year this is the guy that could afford to rent a boat for his wife’s birthday for a cool $200,000. I wouldn’t exactly call him repentant so it wouldn’t really surprise me if Ken is sipping iced Tropical Surprises on a private beach somewhere near Tahiti and its some poor homeless schnook with a resemblance that’s actually in the box.

Anyone in Texas that comes in contact with demised homeless folks suddenly come into a load of cash? Calling all Investigative Reporters in Texas, this could be your big chance. I’d check this out if I were you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.