Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Gay Marriage and the Courts

A court in the state of Washington has joined a court in the state of New York in upholding a state ban against same sex marriages. I also now expect the Supreme Court of New Jersey to uphold that state’s ban.

Believe it or not these are good things. We certainly don’t need a repeat of the artificial backlash against the Massachusetts Supreme Court decision legalizing Gay Marriage in that state orchestrated by the Republican Party just before another election day.

Support for Gay Marriage has gone beyond relying upon the courts to protect the minority’s rights and in many states is rapidly approaching the critical mass necessary for legislative action. It’s not going to happen tomorrow but I expect it to start happening within the next decade.

That will lead to the half and half condition so intolerable to the Supreme Court with some states sanctioning Gay Marriage and others banning it. Would you like me to guess in which region of the country the states banning it will be?

Sometime around 2020 a Supreme Court decision will declare all those laws prohibiting Gay Marriage unconstitutional based upon the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. There will be lots of screaming and yelling from evangelical church leaders and from south of the Mason-Dixon line but it will be the law of the land.

And guess what? The world won’t come to an end. Sky Daddy won’t incinerate the country with lightening bolts and within 10 years of the decision everyone will be wondering what the fuss was all about anyway. I’ll bet someone will even discover that the bible doesn’t really mean what people are claiming it means today but something else entirely so even the infallibility of the bible will be preserved. Oh well, all good things have a cost associated with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!