Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The KKK as the Good Guys?

What does it take to make the KKK the Good Guys? Answer, the Westboro Baptist Church.

Apparently the KKK doesn’t take to the WBC’s antic of demonstrating at soldier’s funerals and showed up over the weekend to protest the protesters.

The WBC says it doesn’t care because the KKK has “no biblical support.” As if that meant anything to anyone with at least half a brain.

I have an idea. Since football this season is looking a bit iffy, let’s schedule one on one gladiatorial combats, to the death of course, between the KKK and the WBC as a substitute for the NFL games.

I can see the advertisements now. Two bigoted assholes enter, but only one leaves. Who could argue with that? We’ll blindfold the combatants, to add to the suspense, arm them with battleaxes and kick them out onto the field. We’ll legalize gambling for the events and Las Vegas can set the odds. It can’t miss.

I suppose that would violate some law or other. Too bad.

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