Friday, June 17, 2011

U.N. Passes Gay Rights Resolution

Or at least they passed a resolution to commission a study on discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity and how human rights law can be used to end such violence and discrimination. They also agreed to follow up on the study which was to be completed by the end of December 2011.

Well, it’s certainly a start. The resolution was introduced by South Africa and the vote was close with 23 in favor, 19 opposed and 3 abstentions. The United States voted in favor along with most European, South American and Asian members. Most African and Middle Eastern countries were opposed. Russia voted against the resolution and China abstained.

One has to wonder how the United States would have voted with a Republican president? I’d love to ask the so-called Republican presidential contenders how they would have instructed the U.S. representative to vote on this one.

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