Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The World Continues to Turn

I’ve been busy however I have noticed a few things. We have a new president and a new secretary of state. If nothing else I feel infinitely safer in the knowledge that they are not going to do something incredibly stupid or try and manipulate events in order to speed up the second coming.

In other news, I got a phone call the other day which allowed me, if I chose to, join a live “town hall” meeting being run by my congressman Scott Garrett. Basically it was a conference call which allowed people to queue up to ask questions which Garrett addressed in real time. Creative huh?

I don’t particularly care for Garrett but I give him credit for a pretty creative gimmick here. He isn’t going to listen to anyone that doesn’t share his right wing outlook but it is a creative gimmick.

In other news, my wife and I sometimes watch Wheel of Fortune while scoffing down dinner. The other night there was a young fellow who when asked the obligatory introduction questions said something to the effect of “I’m engaged to a wonderful person.”

Person? My radar went up immediately as that struck be as a strange way of describing one’s fiancée unless…

As luck would have it the guy came out on top and advanced to the bonus round which is where the contestant gets to introduce the significant others that accompanied him to the show. His fiancée did in fact turn out to be another young fellow.

And the zeitgeist moves forward again, kudos to ABC and Wheel of Fortune for not being squeamish about presenting gay fiancées to the world. What makes it impressive is that the homosexual aspect was all in passing rather than the central focus.

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