Sunday, April 09, 2006

HBO's Big Love

Ok, I got talked into watching the show or rather I got curious while talking to someone who does watch the show.

Since I broke down and got myself HBO on demand a while back, to insure that I didn't miss any of the Bill Maher shows, it was easy enough.

Oh my God. I found the show freightening on three levels. First, I found it freightening that someone could come up with that plot and those characters. Creativity like that says something unpleasant about the human species.

On the second level I found it freightening that the plot and characters might, however vaguely, be based upon reality and on the third level I found it really, really freightening because they all have guns!!!

Talk about culture shock! Sheesh. I thought Mississippi and Louisiana were scary, maybe Utah is worse!

Amsterdam or Copenhagen, Amsterdam or Copenhagan, decisions, decisions.

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