Saturday, December 12, 2020

So, is it Over?

Probably not. I'm sure Trump and company have a few more rocks they'll try and toss into the gears. 

If nothing else his state Supreme Court appeal asking to toss out some 230,000 votes is being heard today in Wisconsin and I'm sure some Republicans will try and gum up the counting of the electoral votes on January 6th.

I suppose it's also possible that Trump has bought enough Democrat electors to give him the election instead of Biden on Monday.

As for the now defunct Texas lawsuit, let's not forget that not only the four states under attack by Paxton but 23 other states and territories, led by the District of Columbia, supported them. Ohio went its own way but also severely criticized Paxton's lawsuit as well so I count that as 24. 

So 28 states and territories stood up for Democracy. I find that encouraging and it should give Texas and the 17 states that supported her pause.

In my humble opinion, by leading the charge, D.C. has earned its right to statehood. I was on the fence before about this but not any more.

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