Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A Bert and Ernie Wedding?

There are those pushing PBS to have Bert and Ernie, of Sesame Street fame, tie the knot as a gay couple.

Personally I think this is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard.

First of all, Bert and Ernie, despite conjecture, are not officially gay. They're simply roommates. If PBS had previously made it clear they were a gay couple, then maybe. But, given the current situation, the idea makes no sense.

This is also introducing a cultural outlook that is (1) outside the pre-school educational mandate of the show, (2) way beyond the understanding of the audience and (3) violently opposed by the parents of many of the kids watching the show.

We wouldn't want the little ones to think mommy and daddy are bigoted assholes would we?

Ok, I couldn't resist that last jab. Seriously, this is an issue to be ironed out by adults in adult forums. I'm all for teaching tolerance, but this goes beyond simple tolerance. This is indoctrination.

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