Friday, May 02, 2008

The First Torturer

I agree with Ted Rall. The information revealed in an ABC News story that high Bush administration officials, including Bush himself, reviewed and approved the use of torture in interrogations is grounds for prosecution.

But unlike Rall, I don’t want the District of Columbia’s Metropolitan Police to arrest the bastards (as pleasant a sight as that might be) right now, I’d like to wait until this administration has been swept out and a new one takes the reins.

I’m serious about this. The next administration should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the laundry list of Bush administration transgressions and, if warranted, proceed to criminal prosecution if for no other reason than to try and insure that no future administration decides it’s above the law like this one has clearly done.

This has nothing to do with Democrat vs. Republican. As a matter of fact, I think it more likely that John McCain would undertake such a step than either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. If McCain wants my vote, promising such an investigation might be a way to get it.

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