Thursday, April 11, 2019

Israeli Election Results

Despite some optimism that Benjamin Netanyahu would be displaced his Likud Party managed 36 seats to Blue and White's 35.

Israel's president will ask Netanyahu to try and form a government for the fourth consecutive time and the fifth time overall.

As usual the Likud Party leader will have to negotiate with the religious and other right wing parties in order to manage the 61 plus votes required.

The issue is what will Netanyahu have to offer those parties in order to get them to sign on? One concern is some may ask him to follow through on his promise in the waning days of the election to begin annexing West Bank territory around Jerusalem that is occupied by Israeli settlements.

It wouldn't be the first time Bibi didn't follow on a campaign promise so I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

I think annexing parts of the West Bank unilaterally without some sort of agreement with the Palestinians is a big mistake and is just going to make things a lot more tense.

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